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Three Unexpected Lessons From Alzheimer's

My Mom is in the final stages of Alzheimers and I wanted to take a moment and share a few of the lessons this awful disease has taught me.

Lesson #1. Cherish every single day.

I know, I know you have heard this a million times already but sometimes we need to hear it one more time for it to really sink in. Seriously y’all…we never know what the next day or even moment will bring. Stop comparing your life to those people online or that neighbor down the street. Stop staring at the clock wishing time would pass so you can just go home. Embrace each moment you are alive. Truly live every day…stop putting off your hopes and dreams till another more “convenient” time. Do your best to embrace all the life has to hold for you.

Lesson #2. Stop worrying and stressing.

(Warning: I may get on a soap box for this one.)

Worrying and stress are terrible for you mentally, physically and emotionally. Worrying and stressing does not solve anything, in fact it makes things worse. As mentioned in lesson one, we only have this moment and wasting it worrying or stressing is the biggest waste of time I can think of. One of the biggest things my sweet Momma struggled with was worrying. She was doing it out of a place of love and care…she wanted to keep our family safe, happy, and healthy. She never wanted anything bad to happen to any of us so she would constantly worry that something would harm us. I blame this worrying for some of her current illness. (Note: I am NOT blaming my Momma…but I am blaming the act of worrying and stressing.) It is not healthy for any of us to waste our precious time and energy on something as fruitless as worrying and stressing. When you feel the need to worry and/or stress about something find someone to talk the issue through with and see what steps need to be taken to give you more peace about the situation. (Remember: God tells us not to worry multiple times in the Bible!)

Lesson #3 Your words have power.

Please stop claiming you are going to have XYZ illness. Please stop saying that because three of your relatives had such and such disease that you will also. First of all, you don’t know that for sure. Secondly, you may think this sounds cooky but your words have an incredible amount of power. (If you don’t believe me research it!) My Momma’s side of the family had a history of Alzheimers and I remember her saying many times that she would get it as well. I’m sure this was coming from a place of fear but I do feel like it is another reason this terrible illness has stolen my sweet Momma from us. If your family has a history of an illness or disease, then do all you can to prevent it. Do everything you can to protect yourself from it and do not ever claim that you will get it as well.

I hope these three lessons will help you to live a more fulfilling and thriving my life. My Momma and I are cheering you on.



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